Waterproofing And Damp Roofing Condition As a major problem concerning a house and commercial building, cracks start developing on the walls and floors owing to the pressure and changing weather conditions. Humidity as well as constant exposure to moisture produces a damaging influence on the foundation of the building, as well as on the building structure. Waterproofing is held as an ideal solution to thwart such unwarranted situations.
Damp roofing is another effective option to safeguard the house and the foundation of the building. But, there is marked difference that exists between waterproofing and damp proofing.
Waterproofing, an environmental-friendly treatment, can be an expensive option, but the results are there to stay for a longer period of time. Waterproofing treatments make use of materials that are rubber-based or materials that are made from polymer, silicone and other similar materials. Waterproofing solution is an ideal way to prevent water absorption.Waterproofing treatments serve well to prevent the ground water from getting into the building. This is made possible by applying a rubber membrane to the surface wall, or by way of applying sealants and waterproofing paints. Apart from such materials, one can find systems that come with the ability to pump water out of the building.
On the other hand, damp proofing makes use of tar-based mixture. This gets done to protect the surface from moisture and water. But, damp proofing is not the right system to stop water from penetrating the surface, as this method can only slow down the process. One can come across damp proofing products that are water based, which convert them in to environmental-friendly products.
Though damp proofing is held as an economical alternative, this method can pave the way for future problems. The effects produced by damp proofing are but short-term effects, and within a couple of years, the effects produced by this procedure can wear off and cracks could surface again.
As the initial step, a damp proofing specialist makes an inspection of a house or building in the first place. The specialist then takes the homeowner through procedures involved in damp proofing process. There are damp proofing products that allow homeowners to perform the needed task by themselves. The homeowner who wants to damp proof the basement or cellars ought to take professional help. Damp proofing performed on areas above the ground can be performed by homeowners, with their own efforts.
Damp proofing is an inherent part of the process involving the construction of building, as this procedure can be performed for a building structure that has already been constructed. The services of an experienced company or a damp proof specialist become essential to assess and identify suitable procedures that are considered effective for the know whether damp proofing or waterproofing becomes the best option, it is deemed ideal to consider the kind of weather and environment that prevails in a locality, where the residential property is situated. For the property that is located in an area that witnesses heavy rainfall at regular intervals, waterproofing is held as the better choice, as it protects the property from enthusiastic homeowner can perform few simple tasks to make sure that the house is kept dry most of the time. One has to make sure that the gutters and drains don’t turn out to be clogged gutters and drains, as the roof systems and roofing tiles should also be checked at regular intervals. The homeowner should ensure that the residential property is properly ventilated, and prevent condensation that can strengthen the moisture content in a room.
Waterproofing as well as damp proofing invites substantial costs on the part of the homeowner, but both are worthy options that enhance the value of a property. The homeowner should not fall a prey to the easy and quick fixes, which bring down the quality of waterproofing treatments. By hiring experts, homeowners can get the best waterproofing and damp proofing solutions. By deciding upon the right option that works for the residential property, the homeowner can achieve desired results.